Money backed by gold

When you deposit funds into your TallyMoney Account, you are purchasing real, London Bullion Market Association-approved physical gold.

Your gold is stored in a secure vault in Zurich, Switzerland, where it is 100% insured and protected. Your gold is reconciled daily and audited monthly. Here’s why.

Money that holds its value

Most people are pretty familiar with the law of supply and demand. When demand outweighs supply, the value of that good or service increases. Think Uber price surges. Grrrrrr.

Initiatives like Quantitative Easing enable the government to print more money. And creating more pounds only reduces the value of all pounds. Including all that money you’ve been squirrelling away.

By anchoring money to a physical asset that can’t be digitally created on-demand, TallyMoney protects the long-term value of your hard-earned cash.

Money that stays in your control

What if we told you that the money in your traditional savings account belongs to the bank, not you? What if we told you that when you deposit money into a fiat bank account, you’re actually loaning your money to the bank (with almost zero return)? And what if we told you that it’s 100% legal for the bank to limit or block your access to your funds?

Sounds scary, right? And yet, this is the sum of the banking industry’s small print. With TallyMoney, you own a physical asset that is never lent out, leveraged up or invested. Your money is therefore always 100% owned by you.

Money that protects you

The gold represented by the tally in your account, is safely vaulted on your behalf and never lent out, leveraged up or invested. It’s your money and it stays put, for you and only you to use.

And in the unlikely event that anything happens to the company that runs the TallyMoney savings and payments platform, 99% of your gold will be promptly sold and the fiat value deposited back into your non-Tally account. No limits. No caps. The 1% pays for the quick and efficient return of 99% of your money.